My Summer at SAS: Week 3

I first wrote this post for the SAS blog Conversations and Connections. SAS has been awesome enough to let me repost it here.

Editor’s Note: This is Stacey’s third guest post as our summer social media intern.

Week of June 28, 2010

(Monday, 6/28) Day 11:

Interns around the world have been challenged by “The World’s Most Interesting Intern” who works for Cisco. If I had rapping skills, I’d try to prove him wrong. But I don’t think anybody wants to watch a video of me typing a blog or painting a picture for my office.

(Tuesday, 6/29) Day 12:

Today I created a LinkedIn account, and updated my profile on the SAS student social network StudentConnect. My profile isn’t all that impressive right now; I’ll need to mess around with it a little more. I’m hoping more interns will join StudentConnect so we can get some events going on. I also sent my evaluation of the Social Media Cookbook and the existing curriculum resources (Yay! I finally finished it) to Christine. Christine’s setting up the portal. Hopefully that information will be up for viewing pleasure soon.

(Wednesday, 6/30) Day 13:

The number of items in my project list with the word “done” beside them is growing. I feel so productive.

Unrelated side note: There were two slow cookers filled with hot dogs in the break room where the fruit usually is. I thought this was a weird switch, but an hour or so after my discovery there was a huge meeting right next door. It all makes sense now.

(Thursday, 7/1) Day 14:

Today I got my first results back. My first list of key influencers in not one, but two industry topics. Thanks Trent! Next step: search for more influencers in other platforms using the key words I got for those topics. Then I can start filling up my new Social Media Directory for the portal.

(Friday, 7/2) Day 15:

Tomorrow is the start of a 3-day weekend. Even though I don’t get paid for the holiday because I’m an intern, I’m still looking forward to the day off for extensive Independence Day festivities.

Weekly Recap:

Early in the week, I compared the Social Media Cookbook to what was already on the Social Media Portal to see what information was repeated and what needed to be added to the portal. Mostly stuff needed to be added, but it’s good to know we already have so much information to add. I also talked to my boss, Kelly, and we think we finally figured out the best way to organize the Industry topics list for the dashboards. It’s still waiting for Dave’s approval, but I’m going to go with it for now and see what he thinks when he comes back on Tuesday.

I feel like this week has been a bit of a waiting game. Waiting for meetings, waiting for email responses. But now I have some solid information to put down on paper (well, put in an Excel doc) instead of just researching. My big project right now is to create a new Social Media Directory that’s categorized to fit into the portal. I have a feeling parts of it will be easy squeeze and parts of it will resist. But I will win in the end.

This weekend is 4th of July. If you have some time, you need to watch this video where children reenact the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Happy Birthday America!

Photo by koalazymonkey